Monday, December 19, 2016

Day 5: Happiness in Rough Times


welcome back... again. If anyone's actually reading this with any sort of regularity, thank you. for anyone who's new today, I hope you enjoy.

Today, I'm going to be talking about happiness. specifically, happiness in rough times. Does anyone ever have those days where everything just seems... muted? like, not depression exactly, just... muted. like things that make you laugh arent quite as funny as they usually are, things that make you happy aren't doing it for you today, and the things that make you sad just seem a bit more present than usual? I thought so.

contrary to the beliefs of many, this is a fairly common problem. I get these days at least twice a month. these are a few strategies I use to combat these feelings.

1. Find someone to ground yourself with. for me, its my mom and my girlfriend.

2. find some perspective, whether thats from a therapist or someone who's just more experienced than you.

3. get some alone time, but not too much. afterward, surround yourself with people who care about you.

If you follow these steps, your blue days may just get a bit brighter. todays post was a bit shorter than most, but hopefully you'll stay faithful.



Sunday, December 18, 2016

Day 4: Rude Individuals


This post is going to seem somewhat lighthearted compared to some of the other topics I've written about of late.

Today's topic: Rude Individuals

Today, while I was working as a checker at hyvee, a man, obviously drunk, came through my line. I'm not going to go into specifics, but he was extremely rude to me and attempted to have me fired.

After the incident, I went to my manager and immediately asked him what was going to happen, and how I should have handled it. He said I handled it perfectly. The three things I kept in mind while dealing with this customer wet as follows:

1. Always stay positive. They can't get you in trouble if you didn't do anything wrong.

2. When in doubt, call an authority figure. I called my manager over immediately to understand how to proceed.

3. Don't beat yourself up. They were rude, not you.

If you remember, and implement, these strategies, you'll be able to deal with rude individuals muchore easily.

As always, thank you for visiting A Day In The Life, consider coming again! I hope this helps some people.



Day 3: Parents


Today's topic was tricky to write about. The topic is parents. It was tricky because it's important to remember that you always need to respect your parents, even if you don't agree with them.

Parents. Literally everyone has them. And sometimes, they can drive us nuts! First of all, it's important to remember a few things before I discuss how to "deal" with parents:

1. They're in your corner, looking out for your best interests.

2. They're doing their best! There's no class to learn how to be a parent.

3. They aren't perfect! They're human, just like you.

Today, my mom was really getting on my nerves. She kept getting mad, telling me no, and it seemed like none of my ideas were good ones in her book. I was sick of it, so I went downstairs to be by myself.

While I was down there, I started to think. I replayed the afternoon in my head and as I did, I began to realize that I was the problem. My attitude was one of entitlement, and I was mad because, as childish as it sounds, I wasn't getting my way".

Now, there are several things I could have done to help the situation. First, I should never have left the room. Contrary to dealing with siblings, it's never a good idea to walk out on a parent.

Second, it was my attitude that was the problem, not anything on her end. If I had just checked my attitude, there wouldn't have been an issue in the first place.

Third, I said some things to her that I regret. I sad them out of anger, and I wish I could take them back. If I had thought before I spoke, then I wouldn't have hurt her feelings.

So basically:

1. Nevery leave the room. It's disrespectful.

2. Check your attitude. More often than not, you're actually the problem, not them.

3. Think before you speak. This can avoid unnecessary rudeness and disrespect.

As always, thank you for visiting A Day In The Life, consider visiting again, and have fun out there! I hope this helped some of you.



Day 2: Siblings


Welcome back! I hope you're all doing well. I believe that today's topic is going to be relatable for many of you. Let me know in the comments if any of you have similar situations at your house.

Siblings. For some of us, they're older than us, for others, they're younger. But everyone who has them knows that no matter how well you get along, you'll always have those days. You know, the ones where everything they say is annoying and it feels like they're out to get you, like their very purpose in life is to make you explode. Sound familiar? I thought so.

Today was Christmas baking day at my house. We all woke up and watched TV for a bit, and then we all bundled up and went outside to shovel and salt the driveway. While getting ready, my sister and I managed to argue for two minutes over a hat. That was the first indication that today was going to be one of those days.

We fought on and off for a good portion of the day, til about 2 PM, at which point I went to take a shower. Now, let me impress upon you the importance of the simple act of removing yourself from the situation. The fifteen minutes I had to myself in the shower worked wonders. When I got out, she didn't seem as annoying anymore and I was able to stay out of the drama.

After that, I was able to continue baking and make suggestions on activities to do later that day. I was still stewing for awhile, but eventually I realized that everything would be a whole lot easier if I could just forgive her.

So, to summarize, my three steps to successfully dealing with siblings are:

1. Remove yourself from the situation

2. Stay out of the drama

3. Forgive them

If you can remember to at least attempt these three things when your siblings are annoying you, I gurantee you'll have a much more positive expierience.

As always, thank you for visiting A Day In The Life. Please consider coming again. I hope you enjoyed today's post!



Day 1: Rumors


So, This is it. The inception of A Day in The Life. Here we go!

Today, I'm going to be talking about rumors. I know it sounds cliché, but I think it's a much more harmful issue than we realize. A few weeks ago, a friend of mine stopped talking to me quite suddenly. To be honest, I was pretty confused. After asking around, I learned that someone told this friend that I had made a joke out of a terrible experience they'd had recently.

So, how did I solve it? Well, as scary as this may seem, I went straight to them nd asked them why weren't talking to me. When they told me the same thing others had, I told them my side. That I would never make fun of them or do anything at all to hurt them. Long story short, we are back on track as friends. The lesson I'm trying to impart here is that no matter how scary it might seem, it's always best to deal with a rumor at the source, rather than try and point fingers and assign blame.

I hope this helps at least one person out there! There's more to come very soon!




Hello readers,

So, as you may have noticed, I'm starting a blog. It seems crazy, I know, but bare with me. My idea is simply to write about the daily issues that occur in my life, and how I solved those issues. I'm calling it A Day in The Life. Its starting because it's an assignment in my English class, but I hope to keep it going far beyond that. Read on, come back each day, and have fun! I hope you enjoy it!

